Heartland Velo Show coming to Madison, WI
The upcoming Heartland Velo Show is a bicycle festival that will focus on history and how-to. In addition to the standard exhibitions,..
Tales From The Crit from faz adhili on Vimeo. Tales From The Crit will be Singapore’s first fixed-gear criterium. Scheduled for June..
The upcoming Heartland Velo Show is a bicycle festival that will focus on history and how-to. In addition to the standard exhibitions,..
Brooklyn Bike Jumble will be hosting a concours (bicycle show and competition) to present the title of ‘Best NYC Bike’ on May..
From a press release sent by Raleigh: In an effort to connect the nearly 60 million American cyclists with popular bicycle charity rides..
Lafayette Riverside Bike Polo Tournament from Kevin Daly on Vimeo.
The 2011 New England Bicycle Expo is scheduled for May 7th and 8th just outside of Boston in Somerville MA. Locally, it kicks of National..
The Dorais Park Velodrome was lost to the downsizing of Detroit for nearly 20 years before being cleaned up and brought back to life in..
The Point A to B Bicycle Race takes place May 22 in Hartford, CT. Meet at Keney Park at 6:00, race at 6:30. $5 to enter, there will be..
Meet the 2011 contestants in the Oregon Manifest Constructor’s Design Challenge. Visit www.oregonmanifest.com.