Oregon Manifest Constructor’s Design Challenge Party
The 2009 Oregon Manifest has begun, and one of the highlights is sure to be the Constructor’s Design Challenge party. This Friday,..
For anyone who’ll be in Fano, Marche, Italy on the 3rd and 4th of October… Check out fixedforum.it for more details.
The 2009 Oregon Manifest has begun, and one of the highlights is sure to be the Constructor’s Design Challenge party. This Friday,..
Jimmy asked us to put the word out for their October 10th event: We’re having a cookout, free 40’s of High Life, prized crit..
The Midwest Champeenships VII will take place in Columbia, MO on November 7-8. Entry is $15 per person. Visit www.comopolo.com for more..
The city of Toronto is a fairly bicycle friendly place, a total joy to pedal around in. Much of this is due to coordination between local..
This past weekend, folks in Portland had a hoe down showdown… Or something like that… People rode bikes and got prizes…..
The CMWC begins today in Tokyo. Don’t you wish you were there?
Friday, September 18, 2009 in Vancouver, BC (49° 16′ 24.1212″ N, 123° 4′ 16.1112″ W). A one day extravaganza..
Click here for info on LOS MARCOS MELEE, October 9-11.
The Worst Day of Your Life race is happening this weekend in Houston, TX. Friday brings Goldsprints and a sneak peak at the checkpoints for..