Street Cred Alleycat
In honor of Pittsburgh’s Bike Fest, King Ted is throwing a classic point to point race featuring the places of Pittsburgh’s..
Register at 3pm on Saturday, August 22 at The Bike Project in Urbana, IL. The mustache contest begins at 4pm, the alleycat at 4:30. The..
In honor of Pittsburgh’s Bike Fest, King Ted is throwing a classic point to point race featuring the places of Pittsburgh’s..
Jeff over at Bike Jerks and All City Cycles wants you to come to the All City Championship in Minneapolis on August 20-23rd. Just look at..
South Floria Fixed puts on a monthly ride in Fort Lauderdale, complete with plenty of friends and hangout time at the end. Stay tuned to..
Pittsburgh’s 5th annual BikeFest starts in just a few days, running August 14-23. It all begins with a kickoff party on the evening..
ArtBike is coming to the Rocky Mountain Bicycle Show held in Denver August 21-23. It all kicks off with a Treasure Cat “scavenger..
As part of Calgary’s Choose Yer Own Festival, a bunch of cyclists have put together the PathwayPedalPotluck, an afternoon ride to a..
At dusk (roughly 8:30PM) on Wednesday, August 5, 2009, Pittsburgh cyclists will be locking up a Ghost Bike to memorialize Rui Hui Lin who..
Now this is just awesome… When they tore down the Hoosier Dome in Indianapolis, some bike people got a hold of the fabric used to..
Elisa from Bike Skirt is turning 30, and what better way to celebrate than with a ladies-only alleycat. Things start and end on August 15th..