RideSFO Bike Swap
RideSFO invites you to join them at the Cow Palace in San Francisco on November 29th and 30th, 2008. The show runs from 10am to 5pm each..
With love, from Minneapolis. Click here to see the gallery, courtesy of Bike Jerks.
RideSFO invites you to join them at the Cow Palace in San Francisco on November 29th and 30th, 2008. The show runs from 10am to 5pm each..
The 3rd Annual Supermarket Street Sweep is coming up December 6th in San Francisco. The basic premise is that racers ride all over town..
Cranksgiving is a charity race started in 1999 by a NYC messenger named Tone. This year the tradition continues in numerous cities,..
November 8th in New York City, an all-city scavenger hunt. Straight from the organizer, “Riders will have to find famous pieces, get..
For the third year running, the folks out in Chicago are putting on the Sadie Hawkins Day Bike Race & Style Ride. Meet at the Humboldt..
This past weekend, Pittsburgh hosted a Clash-themed alleycat and bike polo tournament. The action was pretty intense at both events, not to..
Registration is at 7, race at 8. The entry fee for teams of two is $10. Meet at Old Town Square in Ft. Collins, CO. Visit..
The Lansing Chain Cog Massacre goes down November 1st at 8pm. Bring $3 to the Veteran’s Memorial behind the state capital. Costumes..
Two more upcoming alleycats to share, the Prom II The Ball in Calgary AB on November 7th, and the House Party Cat in Philadelphia PA on..